Encephalartos kisambo
Faden & Beentje
First published in: Utafiti 2(1): 7-10. (1989).
Etymology: From kisambo, its vernacular name in the Taita language of the local people of the Taita Hills region of southern Kenya, where it is endemic.
Haynes, JL. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 2022;550(1):1-31.
Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: R.B. Faden, A.J. Faden, C. Smeenk, N. Smeenk, & D. Kichoi 71/965
Locality: Kenya, Taita·Taveta District, Maungu (Nyangala) Hills
, 1025 m
, 26 Dec 1971
Type Location(s): HT:K; IT:BR, EA, MO, PRE, UPS, US, WAG
Taxonomic Synonyms:
Synonymy Notes: The distribution of 'Tanzania (Morogoro)' reported here is the type locality of E. kanga, considered a synonym of E. kisambo by Haynes (2009, Cycad Newslett. 32(1): 6-14) for the following reasons: ‘a high degree of overlap with E. kisambo in vegetative traits, the lack of male cone traits, and female cone traits reported from a single plant’.
Distribution: Kenya (Taita-Taveta), Tanzania (Kilimanjaro, ?Morogoro)
IUCN Red List Conservation Status:
Endangered B1ab(ii,iii,v)+2ab(ii,iii,v)
Image Gallery (6 observations with images)
Kenya (Taita Taveta)
Kenya (Taita-Taveta)
Kenya (Taita-Taveta)
Kenya (Taita-Taveta)
Tanzania (Morogoro)
Tanzania (Morogoro)
Reference Links (7)
Hurter PJH. 1994. Focus on Encephalartos kisambo. Encephalartos 39
: 4-8.
Holzman G. 2009. Growing Kisambos in Hawaii. Cycad Newslett. 32
: 19-20.
Faden RB, Beentje HJ. 1989. Encephalartos kisambo, a new cycad from Kenya, with a note on E. tegulaneus. Utafiti 2
(1): .
Utafiti; Occasional Papers of the National Museums of Kenya
Cameron A. 2009. Encephalartos kisambo in cultivation - Athi River, Kenya. Cycad Newslett. 32
: 17-18.
Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550
: 1-31.
Haynes JL. 2004. Taxonomic History, Conservation Status & Morphological Affinities of Encephalartos kisambo Faden & Beentje. Cycad Newslett. 32
: 15-17.
Cameron A. 2010. Visiting Encephalartos kisambo in habitat. Cycad Newslett. 33
: 12-14.